Water chemistry was monitored in quarterly in 11 desert streams of Arizona for two to three years. Sample collection occurred at an approximately monthly resolution in two of the streams, with additional sample collection following storms. Six streams were also sampled during fertilization experiments during which nitrate was added to a target concentration of 0.3 mg N/L.
Whole-stream metabolism was modeled from dissolved oxygen, light, and water temperature in 11 desert streams at a quarterly frequency for 1-3 years. In addition, metabolism of six streams was monitored during 12-14 d fertilization experiments, conducted once each in spring and autumn. During experiments, a control reach was paired with a reach fertilized with nitrate at a target concentration of 0.3 mg N/L.
Coarse and fine particulate benthic organic matter were collected and analyzed from 10 desert streams during baseflow conditions. All samples were analyzed for organic matter content, and fine particulate organic matter samples were analyzed for carbon:nitrogen ratio and delta-C-13.
Nutrient-diffusing substrata (NDS) were incubated in nine streams in Arizona. Replicates (4) of control (no nutrient addition), nitrogen, phosphorus, and nitrogen + phosphorus additions were incubated for three weeks in each stream. NDS were incubated during summer baseflow (June 2017) and in autumn (October 2018). Samples were frozen until extraction and measurement of chlorophyll a concentration.