This dataset contains water quality measurements made on Green Lakes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and Lake Albion. Green Lake 4 was initially sampled in 2000 and is ongoing. Ongoing sampling of Green Lakes 1 was started in 2014 and ongoing sampling of Lake Albion was started in 2016. Water samples were collected for analysis of chlorophyll a and nutrient analysis (which is available in and field measurements for pH, temperature, specific conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO), % saturation, secchi depth, PAR. Secchi depth is recorded at the 0m row however it is a measurement of depth and so the units are meters. Most samples were collected between 0800 and 1200 MST. The first sampling date each summer occurs shortly after the ice had melted. Data are collected from an inflatable raft at the point of deepest depth or from the lake inlet and outlet when surface flow is present. The majority of chlorophyll-a the measurements were taken at the surface (0m), the metalimnion (3m), and the hypolimnion nine (usually 8-11m). However, additional measurements were taken for side projects of the long-term dataset during several of the years and are included in this dataset. Water samples from the metalimnion or hypolimnion were collected using a Van Dorne sampler, and surface samples were collected as grab samples from the water column surface, the inlet and outlet. Field measurements were conducted using a YSI either DO or multiple probe meter (2014-2017, YSI MPS 556)(2018-ongoing, YSI ProPlus) and a Li-Cor meter with a quantum sensor. Chlorophyll-a was extracted from filtered samples and absorbance was measured before and after acidification to quantify chlorophyll a concentration.